Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Friday, July 17, 2015

Happy July!

Now that picture was a LONG time ago! We were not engaged, both in college. Guess I won't post an after picture. Things have returned to normal (his new normal)for Ron since his June hospital visit. We accept "same" as good news. Other good news is that he has changed to a pill for his blood thinner. Xarelto. After 8 months of giving him belly shots, that change is a relief. About once a week the injection would hit a small blood vessel and cause a big bruise. Just bad luck when that happened.
It is very green and mostly cool to warm at the lake. We have enjoyed seeing wild turkeys with their chicks almost daily. There is an occasional doe and fawn, and we have also seen a sand hill crane with chicks in our yard. I still enjoy working in the yard, and I am a whirlwind of trimming now.
Hope everyone had a great holiday. We had outings with our sibs over the 4th weekend, and then our kids and grandkids came in the next week. (Andy, Lisa, Abby, and Lily were here in June before returning to Germany.) Now we're on our own again. I will post some pictures later...on the IPad now. Our calendar is much less cluttered now. I so enjoyed having all of the grandchildren here at the lake this summer.
Ron is enjoying watching the British Open at the Old Course. It brings back memories of his two trips to Scotland with golfing/Army buddies and of course, the 5 times that he played the Old Course.
Love to all. Hope you still have many summer plans ahead of you!
Love, Ron & Jan