Thursday, October 22, 2015

Autumn in Michigan

I didn't upload these pictures in any particular order! The turkeys are in our backyard at Gilead Lake almost daily. In the winter, they roost in the crabapple tree to eat the fruit.
We had a good trip Up North. We stayed in Traverse City and visited 3 of our favorite restaurants that we had found on previous trips. My rocking beach, Christmas Cove, was totally changed by Mother Nature. Lake Michigan is up two feet, and when the ice went out this year, it pushed an amazing amount of golden sand up to the shoreline, burying all of the rocks! Ron and I are in Sleeping Bear Dunes Park in one of these pictures.
The white barn and beautiful maple trees are about two miles from our home; I took that picture yesterday; the colors are peaking here. Gorgeous!
Ron still enjoys traveling, sightseeing, and shopping! He had to use the walker to get around on our trip; he is too shaky when just using his cane. We don't return to Ann Arbor until the first week of November, and we still hope that we can travel to Virginia for Thanksgiving.
Love to all,
Ron & Jan

Friday, October 2, 2015

September 26, 1970

I have compiled a summary of Ron's medical history, so he can have a primary care physician here in BG. This is a huge job...hardly knowing where to start and where to stop! I had been urged to do this by a new P.A. Every situation is an emergency, requiring a trip to AA, so I didn't really see the point, but I am complying. Ron will see my family doctor, so at least he will have a snapshot of who we are. Because we are returning to Michigan for awhile, he will not have this appointment until the end of the month.
Ron and I have celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary, "in sickness and in health". We spent part of the weekend with my maid of honor, our host and hostess-guest book, a groomsman, and best man. (Anne and George, Rick and Tammy, Kirk and Sue) For ourselves, we have a new recumbent bike in BG! Ron wrote me a very sweet note; he continues to thank me every day for something that I have done for him as his caregiver.
This picture was taken about a year ago; when I think back to that time, I realize how Ron has slowly declined. The two hospitalizations in June and August have affected him; he didn't quite get back to where he was before then. He has decided not to go to out patient PT any more, and he has decided to just take baby aspirin for his blood thinner. I anticipate deciding not to have the oral surgery unless there is an improvement in his overall health. With all of that being said, we are still planning to take our fall trips to the Traverse City, Michigan area and Virginia. I feel like we will be able to do that.
Again, a picture from last year. Fall is such a beautiful season, and it is a time that we will reflect on the prior months of 2015. Some of it was very beautiful and happy, and some of it was so difficult.
Love, Ron & Jan