Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Hover Family Update

I have debated with myself whether or not to keep blogging on "Ron Hover's Updates". Although the period of time between entries varied greatly, blogging has been part of my routine for several years. I have read all of your responses many times, and they have brought me a connection with you, comfort, and yes, even laughter. I also can see how many times my entries have been read although I do not see who the readers are. During Ron's final hospitalization at U of M and BG Manor, entries were read up to 600+ times. That was a huge support and comforting for me to know so many cared. I don't know if before Ron's death I really knew how special he was to others too.
So today I am writing to share some Hover news and to thank you again. I had been telling myself that I was grateful that many months have passed, so the holidays wouldn't be so difficult, but now I know that I couldn't convince myself. It is hard. Anticipating anniversaries of special days with special memories is just plain hard.
With that being said, I am making new happy memories, too. I traveled to Hawaii to see Andrew's family and attend his promotion ceremony. He is the third Lieutenant Colonel Hover in our family. It was so special to be there and spend time with him, Lisa, Abby, and Lily. The time change was a breeze going there, but I am struggling to get back to what was my normal body clock prior to the trip. Then facing the upcoming holiday season also became reality. I have been unpacking and organizing, but there is much left to do. I am feeling relief that I don't have two homes to manage any more. I'll let the following pictures sum it up for me. I still have much to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving,