Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 12-29: Almost there!

Ron continues to recover from his last round of chemo which was July 6-11. He almost made it through all 3 consolidation chemo rounds without a fever. Almost. We were back to U of M for 2 days last week when he spiked a fever during the time his white blood cell count was extremely low. It was a midnight ride in an ambulance, and after IV antibiotics and fluids for two days, he is doing very well again.
Today was the last post-chemo blood test in Coldwater, and although he is still anemic, his counts are high enough for his bone marrow biopsy in Ann Arbor on Monday. He should be getting more energy back each day, and we are in high spirits.
We can't believe that it is almost August! We are sending good wishes and warm thoughts to all of you.
Love, Ron and Jan

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Last Round of Chem - July 6-11

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The last round of chemo has begun! Ron had 3 appointments yesterday afternoon, "checked in" to his hospital room in early evening, and the first infusion of chemo started at 9:00 P.M. Niccole arrived in the evening and spent the night with me.
The doctor's consultation and first round of chemo have gone very well, and we are very optimisitic that Ron's treatments will ensure permanent remission. He will have another bone marrow biopsy August 2.
He is now receiving the 2nd infusion from 9-12:00 this morning. Then he has a day off. By having the alternate days of chemo, Ron can rest in my room in the afternoons. It is hard to sleep well in the hospital room!
Thanks for your continued support and good wishes sent our way.