Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Post #345...amazing!!

I plan to load a couple pictures below but will have to work from the computer. It feels like summer today, and we are enjoying the weather and not being in AA this week. Things are going smoothly, and by Ron's next doctor appointment, I think he may be able to drop a couple meds. His steroid induced diabetes is resolving; he developed diabetes in January when he had pneumonia. It would be great if he could switch to a pill and not require daily injections. (that would be good for both of us.) He usually only has one insulin injection a day now..down from four.
Ron has been on daily injections for bloodclots in his leg; this complication developed in November and requires six months of injections. We will soon be at the six month benchmark. No injections would be a notable change in our daily routine.
I am anxious to see next week's bloodwork and am hoping the trend to more normals continues. In the bone marrow transplant world, his bloodtest results are good.
We traveled to Spring Arbor to celebrate Mother's Day with Ron's 92 year old mother who resides in assisted living. Ron's brother and wife, Rick and Tammy, came too, and both of us brought brunch food. Yummy! Esther struggles with everyday living tasks and has some confusion. She still insists on wearing high heels (pumps) and has strong opinions about politics and wanting to be more independent.
Hope you are enjoying this great warm weather and looking forward to summer.
Love, Ron & Jan

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