Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Boost in Immunity & the Donor's Country Revealed!

Ron had his infusion of antibodies yesterday to help boost his immunity. (IVIG). We were at the BMT Infusion area in the adult BMT Clinic from 11:00-5:00. It is worth it to have some insurance against infection. We are in Ann Arbor for his ECP light therapy treatments too. His immunity level is measured by a blood test that is frequently ordered at the same time his bi-weekly blood tests are drawn. The infusion of antibodies is now following a pattern of "too low IGG" every two months. This could recover somewhat as his other products of his new bone marrow have. I keep an eye on the trends of various blood tests through a U of M patient portal online. Ron's appointment schedule and messages between the doc and me are two other ways we use the portal.
Ron will see an oral surgeon here at U of M on July 30. He will be evaluated, and decisions will be made regarding the extraction of his teeth and dentures. All of the chemo and other drugs have ruined his teeth. His regular dentist said it would be a pointless drain of time and money to continue to repair his teeth. There is always the concern regarding any type of infection.
We have found out that Ron's donor is from Sweden!! We have the paperwork to submit for exchange of information if the donor is interested. Contact can be made if both parties agree and on varying degrees of release of information to each other. We were so sure that we had it figured out that the donor was from Germany. I think our first step might be to give him the blog address. In spite of all of Ron's complications, he has never said that he wishes he hadn't had the transplant...just the opposite, we both remain so grateful to the donor. He was only one of 3 matches in the world wide registry. There were no matches in the United States. After googling Bone Marrow Transplant and Sweden, I have been reading about Stockholm Care and the Tobias Registry. Their registry was initiated in 1992. When I returned to Ron's infusion room to tell him about Sweden, he had candy out for a snack. I thought it was red Swedish fish at first glance!! Upon looking more closely, it was red gummy dinosaurs; now that would have been just too weird!

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