Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Going with the flow...

I think it would be fascinating to study the human brain. Ron's behaviors are so diverse. A day or two ago, he was telling me the names of the players in the line-up for the 1959 White Sox in the World Series. Then yesterday when I came out to the great room, he was wearing my pull-on black knit pants and my glasses. Today he wanted to make coffee for me but didn't put the pot on the coffee maker, and by the time I saw it, it had run over the countertop, down the front, and under the stove. Ron has the appearance of a chronically ill person and has aged by literally decades since his transplant. The chemotherapy didn't have that effect. In the past before the bone marrow transplant, there had been more than one time when someone thought I was his mother, and now there have been times when people think he is my father.
One of my favorite stories: soon after we moved to the lake in 2008, a neighbor told me to thank my son for mowing by the edge of the road across from her house when he was mowing our yard. I told her thanks;I would, but he was my husband not my son. She said, Oh!! He's your husband's son. Ron had always looked young for his age and was so healthy and fit.
We have had a pretty good winter- no hospitalizations or acute illness. We seem to be able to control his chronic issues.
We had been looking at a smaller house here at the lake and had a second appointment scheduled to look at it with my sister and brother in law. Then our realtor called and said that it had sold, so we have decided to make some improvements in our current lake house and keep it at least another year. We might not attempt to stay here when we have extreme cold and deep snow next winter. I am disappointed but can say, "oh, well, it wasn't meant to be." Moving would have been a huge undertaking. The good part is that I made a major effort to get our home more organized, less cluttered, and had it nearly presentable to put on the market.
Happy Spring. The warmer temperatures have been nothing short of amazing and uplifting.
Love, Jan

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