Sunday, March 27, 2016

Ft. Myers, Florida--6 years ago

We are near the 6th anniversary of Ron's first acute leukemia diagnosis. Although I try not to dwell on it, as with any extreme experience the events seem to be etched in vivid detail in my mind. The thing that has changed the least is how stoic he is. The biggest adjustment I have now is having less appointments to fill our schedule. I bet that sounds strange, but when the majority of your time for so long has been filled with a full medical schedule, backing off is an adjustment, too.
Ron will have his ECP light treatments for 2 more sessions. That means 2 treatments at the end of April and 2 treatments mid-June. His Neostar central line will be removed. Then he will have quarterly appointments and hopefully, his health status will remain steady. It seemed really strange to inventory medical supplies with an end date in mind. Medical supplies to care for the central line are delivered monthly.
Ron and I have enjoyed the NCAA basketball tournament...even though our favorites are already out. We have had a variety of weather here at the lake. Matt put the dock in for us this week while his family was here, and the pontoon has been delivered, and we've been out on the lake. Hope everyone has had a happy Easter and is/has enjoyed a spring break.


  1. Glad things are staying consistent. There are some memories that will be forever in your memory. I try not to focus on the harder ones but try to think of the good ones, but it's a balancing game. Some times of the year are just harder. You are always in our thoughts & prayers. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob

  2. Glad to hear the "bumps in the road" have become fewer and settling into a new routine. That was great news that you were able to make contact with Ron's donor. Take care of remain in our thoughts and prayers. HUGS...Ned & Terry
