Saturday, August 27, 2016

And so the 6th year begins

Five years ago Ron had his bone marrow transplant. He has never returned to good health, but as he says, "I am still here!" In the right hand index you can return to August 2011 and read about this process. A bone marrow transplant was the treatment after his relapse of acute myeloid leukemia. During May-July 2011, he had chemotherapy to bring him to a second remission in preparation for the bone marrow transplant. His chemo each month required a week in the hospital at U of M, followed by numerous platelet and red blood cell transfusions at our hospital back home.
After Ron's BMT we were not able to move home from Ann Arbor for over 9 months. His transplant has been complicated by chronic graft versus host disease which is basically his new bone marrow products attacking his body. For Ron the most serious damage has been to his lungs, resulting in 8 hospitalizations for pneumonia, and now he needs oxygen 24-7. As a nurse told me, he really is a miracle. Ron had returned to officiating high school basketball and running a 5K during his first remission. Acute leukemia is very aggressive. When Ron was diagnosed with his relapse in May 2011, he asked the doctor how long he would have with no treatment. The answer was that it could be as short as two weeks. Weeks.
So as with all anniversaries, reminiscing has been a big part of the past few days. We have no regrets. We enjoy life as it is.
Another celebration will be a part of next week. Ron's birthday is September 4, and he will be 68 years old. Happy Birthday Ron!!

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