Monday, March 20, 2017

"I'm okay."

I heard these two words from Ron many times, and it seems to be a good way to let you know how I am feeling. The past 3 weeks have been busy as I move ahead with planning Ron's Celebration of Life and taking care of legal changes. Our children have stepped in to support me and each other. I am still so grateful that all four children were able to spend time with their Dad his last month.

Matt stayed with me after Ron's death February 24. Besides emotional and logistic support, he generated a detailed checklist/narrative for me, initiated many phone calls, and prepared paperwork to be completed. Cale took personal days from school, helped me set up files to get organized, and he and Jessica went with me on several local errands. Niccole arrived for a week and helped me complete paperwork that had arrived by mail. We also traveled to Gilead Lake...long story but no power due to windstorm, so we stayed at my sister's, and my financial advisor met with me there. Andrew has been back home in Hawaii, and everyone will return to Bowling Green in April.
I have been overwhelmed and comforted by the kind words from many, and the kids have also received kind messages from many. So grateful.

We will celebrate Ron on April 8, 2017. The service which includes military honors will be at Deck-Hanneman at 11:00, lasting about 30 minutes. Afterwards we will have a social gathering with refreshments in the adjoining Deck-Hanneman Banquet Hall. Please feel free to come at anytime up to about 3:00. It will be a time to mingle and celebrate Ron.

I have felt your support.
I'm okay.
Love, Jan


  1. So glad the kids could all help with the legal work as it can be overwhelming & very emotional. You are strong and the sweet memories will get you through. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob

  2. Yes, indeed; many sweet memories. As I looked through pictures, I felt so blessed to have had so many memories to find joy in. I even saw a picture of us with you two and Macalusos in Spain!
    💕 Jan

  3. Checking in on you and I was so glad to read those words. You are in my prayers during this difficult transition. Love and see you soon,
    Jen and Tim
