This is our kitty, Blue, who has totally kicked us to the curb, enjoying life at Wall Lake with my sister and brother-in-law, Anne & George. He is a needy kitty who always wants to be on your lap, getting his head scratched, or nudging or patting you to get more attention. Luckily, they are enjoying his company, and he has had a seamless adjustment. As Andy says, "good; one less thing to worry about" and that is so true.
Today started out very well with Ron feeling better than he had for awhile. He slept well, and the itching is nearly gone. Tomorrow we will find out more about the diagnosis and treatment for his GI issues. That has not resolved with the current treatment of steroids. His light therapy will start this week, and he will also have another bone marrow biopsy, his eighth. We should have a lot more information regarding his progress by Friday. I feel weary just thinking about his tests and treatment scheduled for this week; I am assuming that everything will move ahead as scheduled even if he remains in the hospital.
Love, Ron & Jan
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