Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 1, 2012: Heartland Health Care Center

Ron has now been living at a rehabilitation center for almost four weeks, and after our care conference today, he will be staying at least two more weeks. The goals are to get him to a point that he can exercise independently with support from an in-home therapist and also that he is mobile enough that we can manage in the apartment and at home on our own. He is improving. He has gained some weight and his blood pressure is more stable when he sits and stands. His bloodwork remains mostly stable with some improvements. He does have some days that are better than others in terms of strength and clear headedness. We continue to support the Ann Arbor area economy. We bought a Ford Edge Select Ecoboost this week. My Explorer is a 2003, and our Ford XLT F150 is not easy for Ron to get in and out of...sounded like a good reason to buy a new car to me!! When I figure out a couple technology glitches that I am facing with my laptop, I will post a picture. I have a lot to learn with My Touch Ford, Sirius, something sync etc. I enjoy learning new technology. So here we are continuing to live in AA. It will soon be 9 months...more than that when we get home if the next 2-3 weeks go well. Thanks for your support as we continue on this lengthy journey. Beating acute myeloid leukemia has been a challenge, but Ron continues to be in remission. There was no way to even begin to imagine all that he would have to endure. He is amazingly accepting of his circumstances. Love to all, Ron & Jan


  1. Whatever you do - at the end of your trial period with Sirus radio - if you decide to keep the service DO NOT PAY WITH A CREDIT CARD ! ! ! ! At the end of your subscription period you WILL be billed for a new subscription period AT THE THEN PERVAILING RATE ! ! and, for all intents and purposes, you can't get out of that charge. Instead, have them send you and invoice and pay by check and MOST IMPORTANT - record on your calendar to call Sirius two weeks before the end of your subscription to either cancel or re-negotiate a new susbsciption rate. Worst company I have ever dealt with - Be Careful -

  2. Just checking in on you two wackos. Sounds like Jan got bored and bought a car. Interesting concept. I bet there was some wheeling and dealing...
    Now that the SNOW is gone from PA the Hutchmeister may play some golf, or play at it? Crazee weather, so much for our ground hog, Phil. Seriously who listens to animals? Ok R and J keep at it and no slacking off. Ron, best to sit on your wallet now. Take care. Love ya, H and G

  3. Thanks for the heads up with Sirius!! I will follow your advice. Oh, yes, Ginny, I now carry Ron's wallet in MY purse. Ha! That goes for his checkbook too. JAN
