Saturday, July 7, 2012

Coping with Heat Wave 2012

I am looking forward to tomorrow! (the cooler temps) This heat wave has been physically and mentally oppressive. My outdoor time has been limited, and when out, I have concentrated on just watering pots, garden, and other plants enough to get them through this weather. I can't believe how much my energy level is affected.
The heat bothers Ron, but we did sit out on our upper covered deck to watch 4th of July fireworks across the lake. Very pretty, and our bed was only about 25 feet away...and air conditioning even closer!!

Overall, Ron has had a good week. He is on less steroids this week and had no dental or eye appointments. Both of us work to stay positive and keep grinding. It is discouraging at times if we think too much about how our lives have changed. Cooler weather this week will be a boost, and we will be able to go outside again to walk.

We will head out to Ann Arbor on Sunday afternoon because Ron has appointments all day Monday, starting at 8:00. We were able to get a reservation in the Med Inn which is the hotel inside the hospital. Very convenient for us.

We hope you're making great summer memories as you enjoy family and holiday activities.
Ron & Jan

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