Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Good Report...

Ron had a good doctor appointment this morning. He is recovering well from his pneumonia at the beginning of February. Last week blood was drawn to test for several viruses-- all were negative. His platelets and white blood counts had been trending down, but that has reversed itself as well, so only good news. He continues to get stronger and is riding his stationary bike again. He might return to out-patient PT when our weekly trips to Ann Arbor are done.
We were concerned about yesterday's snowstorm so left early for AA. It did not snow here, but we had a few inches at home. It will be nice to start having temps above freezing...even the 40s. Spring fever!!

1 comment:

  1. Bike riding in the snow... such insanity up there in Michigan. I think his sugar levels are too darn high !!! Glad to hear things are looking up. Keep up the good work..BOTH OF YOU. Smiles coming your way from Hetch and Ginger
