Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Surgery went smoothly..

I have to admit that I was nervous! Over the past 3 years disappointing news has been dished out enough that I am a little gun shy. I feel like I am guardedly optimistic when a new situation is encountered, so I couldn't help but prepare myself on some level to be ready for less than good news after the cataract surgery. But not to worry, it went very well!! They had told us that Ron's eye would be covered, and other patients had opaque covers, so we did not expect Ron to be able to see until tomorrow, but his covering is clear plastic. Tonight we spend relaxing in the Hampton Inn room, and tomorrow we will see the eye surgeon (who is Ron's regular eye doc here). Then it is back to Spring Break for a week. It feels good to relax and let the stress go.
Love, Ron & Jan

1 comment:

  1. Good news---now back to Spring Break--yay:) --Chip
