Friday, July 26, 2013

Bump in the Road

I have been thinking about this blog entry for a few days now. We are in a rough spot again. Ron has shown an increasing pattern of confusion over the last several weeks. I think I was in denial for awhile...just thinking he was "off" for some unknown reason [which is still unknown] and that his physical progress had stalled, but now it is evident that Ron has lost ground mentally and physically. He has fallen twice in July, and he has had personality changes as well as cognitive issues. He had a CT scan on Wednesday, and it did not show evidence that would be related to these new problems.
At this point, the doc has stopped one of his medications to see if it is the culprit, and he will probably be scheduled for a full neurological evaluation. We travel to Ann Arbor this week, and we will have the opportunity to discuss these new issues with his doc. I don't know if this will impact his oral surgery. I don't know what to expect in the weeks to come. His confusion causes frustration and anger, but a lot of the time he doesn't seem to be any different than he had been. Bump in the road.


  1. You are all in our thoughts & prayers. I hope you get some answers this next week as unexplained changes are hard for all to deal with. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob

  2. Continuing to keep you in our thoughts and prayers! Thinking of you this week at the doctors visit and hoping you get answers for this bump in the road. HUGS...Ned & Terry

  3. You can't change the wind, but you can adjust the sails. Another small adjustment for the Hover Twosome. Sending good thoughts - Mort - PS - shot 77 today :))

  4. Wow! Army strong lasts a lifetime. Thanks, friends.
