Friday, February 28, 2014

Changing Things Up...

But not in a good way. Ron had his light treatments this week, and on the day of the first treatment, I stepped into his cubicle to hand him the bag he carries. He was already wrapped in his warm blankets as he sat in the chair. I thought I was stepping on the edge of the blanket, but I stepped on his foot, and instead of twisting my ankle, I twisted my bum knee. The nurses helped me to the adjacent chair and brought an ice pack. After an hour, I could still not bear any weight on it and had to go to the ER. Unbelievable!
The nurses pushed me to the parking garage, we got our car, and drove around to the ER, so I would have the car when discharged. They brought Ron to the ER in a wheelchair when his treatment was over. I probably have a miniscus tear since this has been an ongoing discomfort, and Wednesday's twist aggravated it. I have an MRI Tuesday in Coldwater. They were going to put an immobilizer on my leg, but it told them I had to be able to drive, so it was wrapped, and I have my first ever crutches. Cale came to the rescue early the next morning to take his dad to the second treatment while I elevated and iced my knee as I made my appointments back home for the MRI and orthopedic doc.
The knee is MUCH better, and I am being very careful...such a helpless feeling to not be able to walk. I will probably require some type of procedure. I am learning to ask for help. I really wanted to do it all. Anne and George were at the house to help us unpack and brought dinner and lunch for last night and today. Tammy is sending food and some groceries with Rick when he comes tomorrow. We will have everything we need as we await another winter storm. It was -8 degrees this morning. I am using one crutch now and can bear weight on my left leg but can tell my knee is not right.
Ron saw the PA Wednesday. His skin changes are not a new flare, and the blood test that can indicate a flare occurring was 0.0. That was such good news. The last thing the PA said was, Jan, you need to go to a doctor for your knee. Then I twisted it about 15 minutes later. Ron is stable at this point. It is good news when we have no new issues.
When the valet rolled both of us out to the car when we left the ER, he said You're together?? I said yes, just put me in the driver's seat, please. At a rest stop on the way home the next day a woman held the door for us, and she also asked, are you two together?? People are so kind to us..strangers as well as family and friends. We will soon have been on this journey four years. Ron first started to have some sickness in March 2010.
Hope this winter winds down in March; it is going to come in like a lion. Even the 20s with no wind feels warm! That is just wrong.


  1. Dear Jan, I read your blog with much sadness for both of you. Hang in there dear friend this too shall pass. I thank God that Ron has you and I thank God you have George and Ann, Rick and Cale close by to help. I had a meniscus tear in my right knee. I had laprascopic surgery and I never regret having it done. I am back to normal whatever normal is for me. We are having our last hit of freezing cold weather, we all will be glad for spring. Much love and hugs to you both. Peggy

  2. Jan, I wish you and Ron would move back to BG so I could help you! And, I know a lot of other people would help, too. You both are loved and thought of often! AND, you still are earning those halos! Good luck with the kneww problems!

