Saturday, October 18, 2014

Fall Trip 2014

We have returned from our trip "up north". It is important for both of us to step away from our usual routine and in this case, just enjoy the beauty of nature. We have several places that we enjoy revisiting since we started this fall tradition in 2008, the year that we retired. This year we stayed in Traverse City 3 nights. The fall foliage was stunning this year--when the sun was out to enhance the colors. We revisited our favorite shops, Christmas Cove to go rocking, Barb's Bakery, Highway 22 scenic drive, and new places in TC. We took the walker, so Ron could walk more efficiently when we had farther to walk.
A college friend visited us soon after our arrival in pouring rain. I had walked Ron to our room, and when I returned to the car to get our bags, someone called, "Jan, is that you?" What fun to reminisce and catch up on family news!! We had texted before the trip but didn't know if a visit would work out.
Today was work day! I picked up the young Amish couple who helps us at 7:45, and we cleaned and took out the docks. I have been doing laundry from the trip and of course, watching football. Good day for the Spartans and Buckeyes! We are going to take a ride tomorrow here in the Gilead Lake area. By the time we return in November, the countryside will look entirely different. Stark. The harvest has been in full swing. Semi trucks park in the fields next to the road as the huge farm machinery pick the corn or soybeans, then transfer it to the trucks. In our county, agriculture is the largest industry...primarily corn, soybeans, and surprising, gladiolus. The flower fields are beautiful when in bloom.
Our medical life will resume next week, but it has been such a treat to have three weeks without doctor appointments. Ron seems to be about the same day to day. With one exception, this is the first time in 18 months that Ron has gone 3 weeks between ECP treatments in Ann Arbor. Hopefully, we will be able to continue 3 week intervals without a GVHD flare.
Think I will post this from my IPad and then add 2 or 3 of my favorite pictures that I have downloaded on the computer.
Love from Ron & Jan


  1. Yall are looking good! Your trip and pictures were just amazing! So glad you were able to get away and enjoy each other and the beautiful fall scenery. Take care..Thinking of you...HUGS..Ned & Terry

  2. Oh how lovely... the country side looks good too : )
    Glad you got to enjoy and revisit old haunts. A change of pace does the soul good eh? Onward and upward. Hope things stay calm for both of you. You are always in our thoughts. Take good care. Hutch and Ginny
