Friday, June 3, 2016

Change in Plans: Wood County Hospital

Ron has been a patient at Wood County Hospital in Bowling Green since Thursday mid-afternoon. For a few days he has had more fatigue than usual when walking even short distances. Other symptoms were chest pressure/pain and high heart rate. His oxygen level has been low normal when at rest. After walking it would take a few minutes to "recover".
I told him that I thought he should be checked at the ER, but first he had to agree to go. When he agreed that he should go, I knew it was serious.
Tests have been done to check for blood clots in his lungs, pneumonia, and an echo of his heart. He has also had routine bloodwork, and since he had chest pain, they are also checking his heart enzyme level. They have determined that he does have pneumonia but no blood clot in his lungs. They also think he might have had a slight heart attack. He does not have a fever.
So now we are waiting for arrangements to be made with University of Michigan Hospital for transfer. He has been started on IV antibiotics. The admitting doctor here believed that he should be admitted where all of his medical history is and where there is an infectious disease doctor. The cardiologist thought he should be treated medically for the heart issue and not do a cath at this time because of all other factors.
Ron is sleepy and cooperative so far although he is disappointed to be once again in the hospital. Because he is on an IV, he will have to be taken by ambulance, and I will drive up. There is no word on when that will happen.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no. Well lmk if I can be of help somehow. Get him out of Wood County asap and to U of M as soon as you can. Chip
