Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Required Kleenex

Ron spilled a drink on his planner this evening. When I took it to the counter to dry it, I found the following index cards inside the cover. Evidently, he worked on this project while I was gone today, and his caregiver, Lois, stayed with him.
Note: I don't know what AOE is, and Blue H. is our kitty.
We went to Ann Arbor on Tuesday, and Ron had his central line removed. It was his 3rd one, and he had had this one 2 years and 4 months, so that is one less dressing change and also daily flushes that are off my Nurse Jan responsibilities. He had had this line so long because he had 153 ECP treatments from January 2013 to May 2016. He kept it for two more immunity infusions and also his June hospitalization. In the future he will require an IV for infusion treatments. He has 3 skin tears that have been healing for 2 months, so it won't be too much longer until he can take a shower without wrapping anything in a ziplock bag or saran wrap. That hasn't happened for over 3 1/2 years!


  1. I should have mentioned that drink, drink, drink refers to water!

  2. Those index cards are precious!! He's still organized :) Looks as if there's much progress---showering without wrapping, wonderful. Chip

  3. Jan,

    He's on the ball. What a guy. And you are the queen...keep on.
    Had a knee replacement this summer..ugh
    talk soon Ginny

  4. He's very thoughtful - "support Jan in every way". Sounds like he tries very hard. and appreciates how much you do for him. We think of you both often; always inspired by your posts and amazed with Ron's ability to adapt. Take care. Joan and Bob
