Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1 Update

The 2nd round of follow-up chemotherapy started today at U of M Hospital in Ann Arbor. Ron will be an in-patient June 1-6. We will plan to come home on Sunday afternoon. (There will be a 3rd and last round of chemo in July.)

The first 2 weeks that we are home after the chemo are challenging with low immunity and blood counts. This is the period of time where Ron requires blood and platelet transfusions, and risk of infection is a concern.

The last week has been wonderful with Ron feeling the best that he has since early March. The weather could not have been better, and we enjoyed being out on the lake and finishing up some things in the yard.

Just wanted to keep in touch with all of you--Love, Jan

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear things are going along as planned. We are thinking of you. That is great that you had some quality time together! Take care. Talk to you soon. TERRY & NED
