Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 30, 2010

One more round of chemotherapy to go!! We are now enjoying days of nice weather and feeling well. Ron had his last transfusions on Monday, June 21; then his blood counts returned to a satisfactory level. Today he has been washing windows, yesterday he mowed part of the yard, and we are enjoying pontoon rides on the lake. (sounds pretty normal to me!) Ron and our daughter, Niccole, have been riding bikes around the lake each morning.
We have enjoyed having our kids in the area more. It is fun seeing the grandchildren, and the kids have done some cooking for us and other yardwork and housework. Today we are celebrating our oldest grandchild's 9th birthday; this weekend we will potluck with relatives, and start to organize for our return to the University of Michigan Hospital next week Tuesday-Sunday. (July 6-11)
Ron received a booklet-style get well message from his high school classmates. It had individual greetings and there were pictures compiled from his school days. How awesome is that!? We continue to hear from friends of years past. It is a boost for both us; we truly appreciate hearing from all of you.
Think of Ron next week and send good thoughts his way. Remember son, Andrew, too who is serving in Iraq.
Jan Hover


  1. Ron and Jan,

    I had forgotten about this great blog. Was able to catch up on things. Everything sounds great with Ron and it would help if he would get his butt over here and do my windows too. Hutch is too busy playing golf. We will keep good thoughts for all of you in the coming weeks.
    Sweet dreams of DQ. Ginger

  2. Glad to hear life is near "normal"....having kids and grandkids around is the best medicine. We continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Take care. NED & TERRY
