Thursday, May 26, 2011

Five Days of Chemotherapy Completed

A lot has happened in the first week of Ron's hospitalization. He has completed his FLAG regimen of chemotherapy. He was given two types of chemo and tolerated it well. His appetite has greatly diminished, but nausea is controlled very well.
He will remain hospitalized for up to 3 more weeks as his bloodcounts and any other issues are treated. He has started having platelet transfusions daily. The care here is excellent and any test is done and monitored quickly. The support of our "staff friends" many of whom we know from last year's hospitalizations has been wonderful.
By about June 3 we will know if Rick, Ron's brother, is a tissue match for a bone marrow transplant. In 2 weeks Ron will have a bone marrow biopsy, and we will know if he is back in remission. Then the next course of action can be determined. It is an emotional roller coaster.
We feel the support being sent from family and friends...such a blessing for both of us.

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