Thursday, May 19, 2011

Treatment has begun!

Chemotherapy started today. Ron is receiving 2 types of IV infusions. The first lasts 30 minutes; then 4 hour wait, and the 2nd infusion lasts 4 hours. His treatment is approximately 1:00 - 9:30 PM. We are hopeful that he will not become nauseous. He did not with previous chemo. This regimen is called FLAG.

Ron's brother, Rick, will meet with Dr. Bixby (Ron's doctor) tomorrow and also have a blood test to determine if he is a donor match for Ron's bone marrow transplant. (also called stem cell transplant) A sibling has a 1 in 4 chance of being a match.

Below is Ron's more specific address. He is in a private room so will stay here when his immunity and bloodcounts are low. He has many of the same nurses that were here a year ago. That has been comforting and welcoming. The University of Michigan Medical Center is amazing.

Ron Hover

UMMC/8B Room 8422

1500 E. Medical Center Drive

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5112


  1. Know we are thinking of you and sending prayers! Hang in there and take care. We really appreciate the updates. Ned & Terry

  2. Good luck and we will keep praying for all of you.


  3. Ron and Jan, You both are in my prayers! If there is anything at all that I can do, please, please let me know. I can come sit with you or do whatever you need.

    Much love!

  4. Continuous thoughts and prayers coming your way. Hope you are able to find a donor. Thanks for the updates. HUGS! Ned & Terry
