Monday, July 11, 2011

Chemotherapy Day 5 of 6 Days

Things have progressed smoothly during Ron's first week of hospitalization for his sixth round of chemotherapy. The next 7-10 days he will become dependent on transfusions as the chemo continues to do its work. We will be at the hospital at least two more weeks. Ron now has to take increased precautions for low immunity. His diet is modified, and he wears a mask when walking on the floor. Niccole, Cole, Jim Treeger, Matt, and Kate have visited; always good to have them visit and helps the time pass more quickly.
One of the new ( to Ron) chemo drugs is Michigan blue when it goes in. We continue to be a fan of the hospital but are true to the Buckeye Nation!
Love to all of you,

1 comment:

  1. Jan and Ron,
    So glad a donor has been located. I think of you both daily and pray for Ron's recovery.

