Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Such good news today to hear that Ron's biopsy was leukemia free! As in the past, we were cautioned that the leukemia could return, but this is where he needs to be to move ahead with the transplant in August. His blood counts should recover enough to go home in 7-10 days. Then he will return for admission August 17. We wanted to share our good news with all of you.
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. Great news! Keep up the good fight and we'll be rooting for you come August. Tigers are fighting to get to first place and stay there, hope you do the same. Praying for you an your family.

    Ricky D

  2. That is fantastic news!! Prayers are being answered!! Hoping you get to relax and spend time at your lake home....continuing to keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers! HUGS....Ned and Terry
