Monday, July 16, 2012

A Day in Ann Arbor: last rituxan infusion

I feel wired tonight..guess I am glad that the series of four Monday infusions to treat Ron's GVHD of his skin are finished. It has been an effective treatment and hopefully will continue to work for weeks or months. Sometimes the GVHD just fades away; now that would really be awesome. It is a treatment that could be repeated after a period of time if needed.

Next Tuesday's appointment with a neurologist and an infusion of zometa for strengthening bones will make the sixth consecutive week that we have traveled to AA for appointments. We are planning to be able to stay home July 24-August 6. Yeah!

Ron's mouth is still painful but improving. He is going to try a steroid gel this week as he continues taking the stronger antiviral tabs. He also has new glasses. The prescription changed some, and he changed from a progressive lens to a bifocal, so his eye doesn't have to work so hard to find the area of the lens that brings clarity to his vision. He said it seems 100% better for him.

My flowers are hanging on for cooler, wetter weather, and my small garden is definitely stressed by the heat. It is much better for Ron when it is cooler and we walk outside. He has been using his cane rather than the walker when we go walking outside. It was a good week. I am optimistic that we are in a good place in his recovery medically and that he has renewed motivation to exercise.


  1. Ron and Jan,

    Things sound better there.. great news for you guys. Ron the obvious cure for your sore mouth is DQ.. think about it. I do all the time.
    Keep on walking and singing and hip hopping.. you are moving in the right direction.
    We're still with you.

    Hugs Ginger and Hetch

  2. Glad to hear you have moved on to the cane. Get up early this week and watch the British Open. You're on my mind. Mort
