Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Grind... Another Day in Ann Arbor: 11 Months After Transplant

We definitely need a "week off" from our Ann Arbor trips. Because today's first appointment was at 9:00 at a new office, we were up early to prepare for the 2 hour travel time. He met with a neurologist for an evaluation. Now this might not seem like good news to you, but he told Ron that it might take 1-2 years more for his body to reach its peak recovery. The assault on his body with leukemia, 7 rounds of toxic chemo, the bone marrow transplant, viral and bacterial infections that required more hospitalizations, steroids and immunosuppressants to combat the acute and now chronic graft versus host disease have serious side effects,especially muscle atrophy and 60 pound weight loss, and with the loss of vision in his left eye...his recovery is slow but still a work in progress. There is no indication of a major neurologically based disease or condition that will cause deterioration of motor skills, so we are hopeful that he will get much better over time. It was such a relief to know that this isn't "as good as it's going to get." He will keep grinding.


  1. What alot to have gone through but glad he was hopeful! I guess when you put it down on paper -all Ron's body has been through you can realize what his body and soul has been up against! I'm glad you both can keep grinding-you both are strong people and your love for each other doesn't hurt. You are both strong individuals and an unbeatable team! In thoughts and prayers dailey Joyce

  2. Thanks so much for your kind thoughts. Keeping a positive spirit and an accepting spirit for how our lives have changed can be an obstacle at times. Some days are just not as good as others, and we have to remember that the roller coaster ride is how the recovery proceeds. Still moving ahead.
    Love, Jan
