Friday, October 19, 2012

Pure Michigan

Wow! Life is good if I haven't blogged for almost two weeks! Ron planned a trip up North in the Leelanau Peninsula area to see fall colors, visit casinos, go rocking on the shore of Lake Michigan, and make stops at a Barb's Bakery, Knot Just a Bar, and Kelcherman's apple orchard that we had visited in past years. What a great trip for us even though it rained most of the weekend. The drive north was sunny and treated us to amazing fall colors. It was 39 degrees and heavy mist when I rocked at Christmas Cove early Saturday morning. Before it started to really rain, I had found a few Petosky rocks (state rock of Michigan) and many beautiful rocks for my rock garden.

We spent a night in Ann Arbor on our way home because Ron had early appointments in the GVHD Clinic on Tuesday, October 16. He is doing very well at this time. His cough from August's pneumonia has nearly resolved; in fact, his pulmonary function tests showed the same results as February. Because he had some rash on his arms and back, his steroid med was not tapered, and I am putting a medicated cream on his arms daily again. As the doctor said, just a reminder that Ron has chronic graft versus host disease... but so incredibly better. His immunity remains compromised, so we are cautious and go through bottles of hand sanitizer. He remains on preventative meds, meds to treat his mouth, meds to treat his lungs; steroids, vitamins and minerals, and is weaning off all "mind altering" drugs, as I call them. His spirit and mood are positive, and he seems very much "his old self".

We continue to have special appreciation for our days at home and the normalization of our lives. Ron will have physical therapy at least through November and is making great progress. The walker is parked, and he uses a cane when out but walks unassisted at home about half of the time.

I plan to post a couple pictures from our colors trip soon.
Love to all, Ron & Jan
Go Tigers!!

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