Sunday, March 10, 2013

Extracorporeal Photopheresis = ECP

The ECP treatments appear to be making a positive difference in Ron's GVHD. His skin is much improved, and he no longer has mouth sores. Graft versus host disease usually is apparent in skin changes first. Ron has had skin issues of varying degree from almost the first week after his transplant 18+ months ago. Deciding to commit to ECP treatment has been a significant time commitment. We have only had one week in 2013 that we have not had overnight stays in Ann Arbor. We will follow this same pattern for 3 more weeks! Then the treatments will be every other week starting in April. It will be a treat to just stay home for more than a 5 day stretch.
We continue to make adjustments to cope with high glucose readings. I never would have imagined that I could give so many injections!! The doc tells us that the levels should moderate as the steroids are reduced. I hope so. It helps that I like the diet changes. I suggested he try no sugary treats for 5 days to see how it affects his levels, so he is doing that and photocopied a little "Jan's 5 Day No Sugar Plan" sign that he has posted all over the house. --even one on my bathroom mirror! A nice side effect would be that I might lose a pound or two as time passes. Ron is slowly gaining weight-- just short of 160 pounds on our home scale.
Seeing some very early signs of the seasons changing: open water along the shore with Canada geese and sad duck swimming together!! AND ice fisherman still out farther fishing; as Niccole asked, "Isn't that dangerous?" (Ron & Marilyn, I have a great picture of this just down from your Michigan home.)The daffodils came up under the snow, and I saw one crocus blooming.
Love to all--
Thanks for hanging in there with your support and positive thoughts; it means a lot to us.
Ron & Jan


  1. Ron - Just remember, two wrongs don't make a right - - - - but three rights make a left ! How's that for a positive thought. Words to live by from the Mort

  2. We always enjoy your words of wisdom and especially the positive vibes that you send our way. ...sounds like someone is going to have an awesome trip to Ireland!! Andy returns home from Landstuhl this weekend. He has been there since January 1...part of his training.
