Thursday, March 21, 2013

No Drama This Week

And that is a very good thing! ECP treatments went smoothly as did Ron's check up with his transplant doctor. There are no medication changes except for minor adjustments with insulin to help control glucose. Steroids will be tapered at the end of the month. The goal continues to be control of graft versus host disease with ECP light therapy instead of high dosage steroids which have many side effects. After next week's treatments we will have a week that we do not have to make an overnight trip to Ann Arbor. That will be a treat for us! --only our second time in 2013.
What's next?? On April 1 Ron's prednisone will be tapered from 15 to 10 mg daily. Ron is cleared for cataract surgery, and arrangements for that will be scheduled soon. He will have a CT scan of his lungs in April. In April ECP will be two treatments every other week instead of weekly. During ECP 48 ounces of Ron's blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate white blood cells and some plasma. It is then treated with a drug that is exposed to UV light to activate the medication. The WBC/plasma altered collection is then returned to the body. Additional fluid is also infused with it. Ron has a central line with 3 lumens(a Neostar) that was surgically implanted in early February, so this two plus hour treatment is totally painless. He usually naps during most of the process as he rests in a recliner. drama this week. And now I am ready for a nap in my recliner--stress free.


  1. Sweet dreams...


  2. Jan - I see on Facebook you posted one of those "Click on the picture below and see what happens" - - I've always heard those were just a scam to get you to "like" some page and when you "click" on the picture nothing happens except you have "liked" a certain page. So what's the story with your post - does the picture really "do" anything when I click on it, or were you just a victim of a scam? Mort

  3. I never uploaded one of those pictures...therefore, I think that I have been scammed!!
