Monday, January 20, 2014

Catching my breath...

We have had a full and emotional week. Ron has been sleeping 13 of the last 15 hours (and still sleeping), so I know it took a toll on him too. We traveled to Ann Arbor for 3 days last week. Ron had two of his extracorporeal Photopheresis light treatments and an infusion of antibodies. He also saw Dr. Mag who ordered a CT scan of his lungs because they sound junky. (My word to describe the lung sounds) we could only get a "sit and wait" appointment which sounded ominous to me, but we only had to wait an hour. I wheelchaired Ron over to University Hospital from Mott where his appointments are. All of the clinics and the hospitals are connected. When we arrive for appointments, I drop Ron off after we load our belongings onto a wheelchair for him to push. It is more stable than walking with a cane. Then we have a wheelchair if he needs to sit, and it works well with winter coats to haul as well as my notebook, calendar, IPad, and our bags.
Ron's lungs are not great but fortunately, not bad enough for admission to the hospital last week. His pneumonia has been antibiotic resistant infections which require IV antibiotic the hospital. I was additionally concerned because Ron's mother's memorial service was planned for last Saturday. But, events unrolled as planned, and the weather even cooperated for Cale's family to drive from Bowling Green, Niccole and Cole to drive from Virginia, and Matt to fly in from Tampa. Ron's brother Rick had made all arrangements concerning Esther's death and memorial service, and everything played out well. The service and the social gathering of friends and relatives afterwards truly did bring some closure...that word is over-used but says it well. I think both of us felt a sense of relief that her life was honored in that way and that the memorial was just over. Ron was exhausted by last night, had a rather shaky day yesterday, and hopefully many hours of sleep can help him recuperate. We are home this week but will return to AA next week, and he will have pulmonary testing and see his pulmonary doctor and have his next treatments.
A really special moment for me was seeing the kids and grandkids sitting around a table and visiting and catching up---and maybe talking about us a little too-- at the social gathering.
Love to all,
Ron & Jan


  1. I am sure it was great for you to see them all together but also great for them to see you & Ron. It is difficult for the family members who are not close by to not see you both on a regular basis. It also gives you the comfort & support you need as a caregiver. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob

  2. So happy that most of the kids and grandkids could be there with you two. Hopefully the sleep for Ron refreshes him lots. What a sweet picture of your granddaughters. Chip:)
