Sunday, January 26, 2014

January continues...

Nature has been full of surprises! Where did this winter come from? We have snow or frigid cold or wind everyday and on some days, all three!! We have experienced being snowed in and our Cooper's hawk fly into the great room windows twice. We feed the birds, and he can't resist hunting on our deck. He even perches on our chairs under the covered deck.. I really thought the window was going to break. The winter scenery has been breathtaking and aggravating at times.
The memorial service for Ron's mother was on the 18th. We honored her life and memory and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Now everyone is back in their routines except when the weather interferes with school.

I have reached a point where I know that I need some help with Ron's care. This milestone was passed when he ventured out behind the garage in 10 degree weather. He had put on boots, gloves, hat, and hoodie and wanted to move some wood from our woodpile to the back of the truck. He fell in snow that was about 10 inches deep and had to crawl to the garage. He cannot get up by himself when he falls. I came home from having my teeth cleaned and found him on his knees in the garage. It hadn't been long but he was cold and visibly shaken.
When I left home, he was in bed for a nap. I continue to be totally baffled to what his thought process was, how he was able to physically get as far as he did, and why he didn't nap at all on that day when he sleeps 2-6 hours each day, and my appointment was at 4:00. I knew that I would not be able to leave him alone any more, so I am having family-help to stay with Ron when I have an outing. I am starting with twice a week on weeks we are not in AA for appointments. That feels like a comfortable starting point, and I am ready to accept help on a regular basis. It will seem odd because we have been together 24-7 for a long time now except for a few exceptions.
Love to all,
Ron & Jan


  1. It is really important for you to be able to get away sometimes so I'm glad you have people close by who can help. Being the only one 24/7 is too wearing for you. It's hard to face the fact but I'm glad you have. Take care of yourself too. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob

  2. Jan,

    This is a big step for you. It seems to be the right direction but I understand your struggle with it. This extra help will give you some peace in certain areas. You don't need the constant worry when you have to leave the house. Can I just say that men are stubborn and can do amazing things when they set their minds. His mind was set on that little trek. He is still the "hunter" after all. Good luck with everything... and think warm thoughts. You have wayyyy to much snow. Hugs, Ginny

  3. Hi Jan,
    Just want you to know that we are thinking about you, Ron and Family. Will keep you in our prayers. Burvel & Laura Lemings

  4. Jan, I am so glad you will be getting help, the caregivers really need to get a break. You truly can't relax and get away, when you have to worry about Ron. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Take Care Deborah

  5. Great messages. Thanks. I really wanted to do it all, so this was a bend in the road for me. It is hard to accept that Ron might not get better than how he is now. Some conversations are so "old Ron", and then other behaviors and thought processes are very off.

    1. Jan, You truly are an amazing woman, I give you a lot of credit for doing it all. But, please never feel like you let Ron down. Sometimes it does take a village. Ron is very lucky to have a wife like you. Our prayers are with you both! Take Care, Deborah
