Monday, July 28, 2014

A Busy 7 Days

Ron had his bloodwork done, had an appointment with his bone marrow transplant doc and PA, had two ECP treatments, had a CT chest scan, pulmonary function test, and appointment with his pulmonary doctor. Tomorrow he will have his immunity infusion. His health issues are pretty much stable at this point, so a decision was made to taper his prednisone slightly. He has been on steroids for almost 3 years now.
His pulmonary tests show that his lungs work about one-third of what would be expected for his age. He always has some congestion, so he is going to have a new device for at home treatment to help him clear his lungs more effectively. The pulmonary doctors were also concerned about his teeth which at this time are mostly broken off and decayed. They wanted him to see a dentist-doctor specialist, but Ron told them no at this time. When she looked at his teeth, he had a Jolly Rancher in his mouth. He still loves his candy!
I am glad that we are trying to taper the steroids. Ron's skin is very thin and tears easily. I am almost an expert at treating and bandaging skin tears. So we are cruising at the same level right now. Ron continues with his physical therapy but will probably continue to depend on his walker for stability.
I am trying to feel content that we are not in a crisis.

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