Monday, July 21, 2014

Summer Vacation

I guess I have been on vacation from the blog! We are back in BG for an Ann Arbor week. Things have been stable, so it is probably about time to make another meds decision. Ron has been on the same dose of prednisone since February. We will see Dr.Mag on Wednesday and the pulmonary doc on Monday, so we may or may not have new information. Ron also will have his next two ECP treatments. He has PT this week in BG. He walks mostly with the walker but some with the cane; we are being cautious.
Had a great time reconnecting with some of my cousins at a breakfast on Sunday. We shared stories and pictures, and I can hardly wait for more of that. I have 26 first cousins on my Dad's side of the family, but many of my cousins' children are closer to my age. There are several sets of twins on that branch of the family tree. The next set of twins is due to arrive in September.
Things have been quite hectic since May, so a good rule of thumb for me is if I can concentrate to read a book. Finally! I read a good book last week: Saving CeeCee Honeycutt. Parts were funny, but the message to me was more of freeing and lifting yourself out of a situation where you have no control. That book was one of those that can be many different things to different people. I recommend it!
The black cloud of deployment is back with me. Andrew has deployed as a member of an airborne Forward Surgical Team. As I recently read, "For those who have been there, no explanation is necessary. For those who have not, no explanation is possible." A friend told me that that is true not only of soldiers but also parents of soldiers. It truly is like a lingering cloud that can shade everything else.
Ron and I will soon be meeting our 9th grandchild, Lily Hover, who was born New Year's Day in Germany. Lisa, Abby 7 years old, and Lily almost 7 months old are flying home for 3 weeks to BG. Lisa's parents live in BG too. Kudos to Lisa for being an amazing Army wife! There are many sacrifices that go hand in hand with the extraordinary life experiences of military family members.
Love to all,
Ron & Jan

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from PA, Missed your blog but sounds like you are a bit refreshed. Things seem almost calm... almost.
    Think of you both so often and always send you good vibes.
    Will keep good thoughts for Andrew too of course. So proud of our men and women in the military. The summer is flying by too fast. Always does. Hang tight and hugs to both of you. Hutch and Ginny
