Thursday, October 9, 2014

Feeling Nostalgic....

I used the word nostalgic today to describe how I was feeling as we traveled through Amish back roads to Shipshewana, Indiana. It was a combination of beautiful fall foliage on a sunny day, stopping to take pictures, going back to a place we had visited many times in good health. It seemed like the perfect word, so I even looked up its definition to validate its choice. It could mean looking back at a happier time with a melancholy perspective. Exactly. With that being said, it was a good outing. We visited Eash's, an outdoor living and also indoor store with a variety of household items. Ron saw a sign for puppies and wanted to see them, so we entered a puppy world in a little red barn. I have not been overly enthusiastic about the goldfish he wanted several months ago and that added responsibility. One down, one to go, and that will be my last goldfish. It begs for food worse than the cat! There is no possible way that we could get a puppy!
We had a wonderful Amish lunch, and I quickly visited one more store while Ron waited in the car. He moves very deliberately and slowly and uses a walker when we are out in that type of situation. People are wonderful to step in and help us in doorways, crossing the street, etc. Ron appears chronically ill, so I feel many looks of concern and curiosity when we are out.
What can I say about being at the lake?! I watched a deer grazing by our garage, saw a huge raccoon cross our deck, and the beautiful full moon casts a river of light across the water. I looked outside for the blood moon this morning at 5:00 but was a little early to see it at its best. This is our first two week break from appointments-- with one exception-- for over two years, so it is a treat. Next week we make our fall trip up north to Traverse City.
Last week's appointments went well, and although Ron has a chronic cough, his lungs are working adequately. When we are here at the lake, I continue to sort and throw out unneeded things we have accumulated. Unfortunately, I have always loved "stuff" and find it hard to get rid of things because " I just might need it later."
We are hanging in there, knowing that all the fall beauty will soon transform to stark November. ...still planning on a November trip to Virginia.
Love, Ron & Jan

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