Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What a relief it is...

Every now and then I can feel a shift in how I feel about things. Yesterday was such a day because we made it through the trips, the holidays, and through the immunity infusion IVIG without a hospitalization. The antibodies that Ron received in the infusion are hard at work; I am sure; to help fight any illness that is/was on the horizon. The flu is an issue here in Michigan, so Ron wore a mask at the hospital yesterday when he was there for appointments. We were gone 8-6. He has a chronic cough, so I am sure other patients and visitors were relieved to know he was wearing a mask too! We go back 2 days next week for his ECP light treatments, so follow up bloodwork should show his white blood cell count back in a normal range. This is actually a routine to us, and even we feel good about being back in a routine.
To explain the pictures:
Ron has premeds before the IVIG infusion, including steroids because he had had hives twice and once spiked a temp during transfusions of platelets and red blood cells, so he has tylenol, benadryl, and a medrol infusion before the IVIG which is antibodies from over 1000 donors. (not a typo-- the antibodies are from donor plasma) Ron is wearing his Detroit Lions knit cap, and I have no idea why it looks so odd in this picture. After the test dose of IVIG, he then is given the large dose--the glass bottle. With bloodwork, seeing the doc, and having the infusion in a hospital-like room, we were in the U of M Mott Hospital Adult Bone Marrow Clinic from 9:15-4:00, but like I said, what a relief I felt to be at this point. His next IVIG is scheduled for February 19. Keeping his immunity up will hopefully keep him from developing pneumonia again or another illness.
Love, Ron & Jan

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