Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Congrats to Ohio State Buckeyes!

Well, that was unexpected as the Buckeye football season unfolded! We had a good time watching the bowl games and especially Ohio State. On game day, we wore our Buckeye apparel to U of M for Ron's treatment. Seriously, I got booed two times.
We haven't had much of a winter, but a most beautiful morning is pictured above. The frost clung to everything and then sparkled in the sunlight. Gorgeous!
Ron is hanging in there! He has had a touch of something that has slowed him down a bit, and he has lost about 12 pounds over the past 2 months, but it has not caused an acute situation that required an unscheduled doctor visit. We stopped going to the Community Center to walk and use exercise equipment, but we do get out to walk while shopping and even took a trip to Hollywood Casino which is only 20 minutes from our BG home. We also went to a Falcon basketball game…only saw the 2nd half because someone had the time of the game mixed up. Luckily, brother-in-law George saw the score scroll across the TV, and we hurried up and departed! We will probably do that again; they have excellent accommodations for handicap seating.
I continue to have a caregiver come and stay with Ron, so I can go out for a 3 hour block of time--once or twice a week when we are in BG. She is the best! She bakes things for us and cleans while she is here. It is a huge help to me in many ways.
I have an appointment set up for Ron to see an oral surgeon in February. In mid-February, he will be finished with his 3 months of blood thinner injections. (I will be so glad; I really don't like giving belly shots.)
I just put the Christmas tree and other decorations away this weekend; I was ready. Time is passing by quickly this winter, and I am still waiting for one big snow; one would be enough.
Love, Ron & Jan

1 comment:

  1. We are getting your one big snow this weekend. It has been an easy winter so far...not so on the east coast tho. Hutch will drag out the snow blower tomorrow so he can get to school... loud but does the job..the blower not Hutch. Guess you may watch the Super Bowl today?... Make Ron some good junk food. We are not too involved in any wild plans for the event. I do remember years back in BG..the "golfers" and wives would get together to watch or mostly eat, drink and loud yelling. Ahh fun times, I miss it. Stay on course and ride out the winter. Wish the best for you both. Hugs and Love, Ginny and Hetch
