Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Snow, Super Bowl 2-1-15

Jan is pictured in the calm before the storm. The 2nd picture is a Super Bowl party in Iraq. I am sure that I will have more pictures in the morning! We have over a foot of snow--still snowing and blowing most of the night. Tomorrow will be the first day that we have had to cancel a doctor or treatment appointment for Ron since 2010 when Ron was first diagnosed with leukemia. Tuesday's appointments are in question too!
We will be adjusting our calendar but am not sure how that will work yet. I have learned to be flexible. I am not going to drive if the roads are bad; I had my last white knuckle drive last winter. I did think about our Ford 150 today but know it was not sensible to keep 2 vehicles for one driver. It was good in the snow with its 4 wheel drive. --the Edge not so much.
Ron continues about the same; some of his difficulties fluctuate somewhat but no crisis. His spatial and problem solving difficulties impact our lives the most, but some things he seems to relearn. I have learned to not point out or over-coach things that really don't matter. He had gone out in the snow and cold again without a coat and would often carry his gloves instead of putting them on, but those problems are under control now. I am sure people wonder at times why he wears what he does. (and why I don't intervene) He almost always wears his two gold chains with pendants and now has a beaded chain for his glasses. (that is so not-Ron) His clothes are sometimes soiled with food or drink and mis-matched, but most of the time he looks sharp like he always did in the past. As his prednisone has been tapered, his diabetes has improved greatly, and his face is closer to his normal contour. He is also not itching like he has within the first week after his transplant. I don't know if he is not sensing it like he did or hopefully, the graft versus host disease is not affecting his skin so much. I am grateful for these positive changes. Grateful for many things.
Love, Jan

1 comment:

  1. Ha! just noticed how I had said I was waiting for the first big snow in the previous post! Careful what you wish for!
