Saturday, February 7, 2015

It is winter!

I enjoyed reading through our Christmas cards today and putting the picture cards in an album that I had brought back from the lake. It already had 2012 picture cards in it---don't know what happened to 2013. One thing is certain; they are NOT thrown away! I am sentimental to a fault when I try to sort through things, so I tend to just keep everything!

I included a couple pictures of the Super Bowl Sunday snowstorm at our Michigan home. It finally looks like winter wherever we go! We have a plowing service at both homes, but two of my neighbors here in BG have also shoveled for us. I am not tired of it yet! By this time last year, I had had E-NOUGH!
Ron and I finally had our "Christmas Outing" last evening. Life and weather kept happening, so we had to wait until the time was right. The many trees with white lights in the shopping area where we went were still lit, and it was beautiful with all of the snow.


  1. Jan. Let it snow let it snow let is snow....that's what happens in Michigan. It is pretty. We have extreme cold but not much snow right now. I will hold my breath. Tell Mr. Hover that Dairy Queen reopened February 6th. Wow.. Wasn't closed that long. We have not been there yet... oink. Still carrying my Christmas weight. It's here to stay I fear. Take care.. good vibes to you and Ron Man.
    Hugs Ginny

  2. Dairy Queen sounds great! I will pass on the good news. Thanks for keeping in touch. Between simply loving food and emotional eating, I have a real battle. Trying to make some better choices.
