Monday, May 4, 2015

Oh, happy May!!

It is delightful to see the arrival of spring! We plan to spend about 20 days each month at the lake During the warm months and 10 in BG. I have yard-worked myself until muscle sore, but it is such a good feeling. It is HUGE to only have AA appointments one week of each month rather than every other week with only 10-12 days in between those overnight stays. Now we travel from BG to AA daily. It is much easier not to have to pack clothes and all medical supplies.
Ron continues to be about the same. We have short term issues to work through occasionally, but no biggies. It has almost been a year since his last hospitalization when he fell, broke ribs, had parainfluenza 3, and pneumonia. Cognitively, he stays about the same; his issues would not appear to be progressive.
As I type, I am sitting in my favorite place by the lakeside windows. The redbud is blooming, numerous yellow and house finches are eating, an oriole is trying out my suet and hummingbird feeder. The grape jelly is out for the oriole but couldn't yet locate the feeder for it, so I put some in a low bowl. We have two pair of wrens making home in the birdhouses. I love hearing the wrens and Orioles sing.
Things are good with "our kids". Andy is home to Germany from Iraq, so that is a significant mental burden lifted. I have enclosed some recent pictures.


  1. Oh great photos... things look wonderful with your surroundings and family. Life is good. The sun puts a new perspective on everything. The winter was too darn long. Still sending you our best. Have not been to DQ yet..once we start we can't seem to stop. Oink. Keep smiling. Love ya Hutch and Ginny

  2. So glad Andy is back safely. I agree, sunshine and blooming flowers put us all in a good mood. Glad you are both able to slow down some with appointments and just soak in the season. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob
