Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Brand New Month

Things have markedly changed here at the lake with the warmer temperatures and everything in full bloom. A young Amish couple helped me put in the docks last week, and it always looks like summer when the pontoon is tied to the dock. Ron and I went out once on the lake. It is quite an effort with 33 steps down to the water. Even the 3 steps inside the house require a lot of effort. Now that the dock is in at Matt's cottage, I can park the pontoon over there and drive down to the water when we go on a ride. Much easier for Ron. we are looking forward to spending time with our kids'families over the summer. Their schedules tend to get more complicated as the grandchildren have more commitments to their activities. Andrew, Lisa, Abby, and Lily are traveling from Germany for several days; they have one more year overseas. (Thank heaven his 9 month deployment to Iraq is over.)
As I think back to last summer, Ron's decline has definitely slowed, with treatments once a month compared to every other week last summer. My nurse duties remain the same with meds and caring for his central line. (Neostar)
He will have belly Lovenox shots for about two more weeks for the extensive DVT which was found last November.
The oral surgery issue is still not resolved--insurance should bear responsibility for it because it is a medical complication, but there are a few hoops to jump through to schedule it.
Since last summer, Ron's diet has been affected because of his teeth breaking at the gum line. He has less stamina, but he is very careful to avoid a fall. His weight stays constant, about 30 pounds less than before the transplant. He reads less--no books or magazines any more but does read the sports schedule in the newspaper to schedule his TV sporting events.
Thanks for continuing to think of us and sending prayers and positive thoughts our way.
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. Jan,

    Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and Ron and send a kind thought over the miles.


  2. Thanks Mort. That means a lot to us, and I know you understand about caregiving. There is something rewarding about caring for your life long spouse.
