Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Bump in the Road...

It was hard for me to write an update last week. Ron was in the hospital for 5 days but is recovering at home now. We had gone to U of M for a treatment on Monday morning, and his oxygen level was running low. He was stumbling as we went up to the clinic to check in. They sent him to the ER, and he had a hospital-like room there; regardless, 9 hours in the ER is a long time. He was on oxygen for 3 days as they treated him for a lung infection and two common cold viruses. He had an immunity infusion, so over 1,000 donors are helping him fight off these complications. He will need this infusion monthly for 6 months to boost his immune system. From a sputum culture and sensitivity tests, IV antibiotics were matched for treatment. He was able to come home since this is a "nurse duty" that I am able to do. (9 days at home) A physical therapist will evaluate him tomorrow. He did have a fall in the hospital which only bruised his knees slightly.
So this is a bit of a setback, and now we have appointments in AA 4 days of the next 9 days. Thank heaven for the villa in Bowling Green.
I will post some pictures tomorrow. Andy's family is home from Germany during this crazy time, but we have had a good visit. Abby 8 years and Lily almost 17 months have entertained and delighted us.
I need to sign off for tonight. Love to all,


  1. Love and prayers!!! Chip:)

  2. Know we are always thinking of you and Ron ...sorry to hear about this bump in the road...but glad he is able to be home again. Hope yall are enjoying your visit with Andy and his family. His little girls are adorable....grandkids are great medicine! Take care! Ned & Terry

  3. Hope Ron is feeling better by now & that you are getting some rest. So glad Andy & family were able to visit as there is nothing to lift your spirit more than seeing your children & grandchildren. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob
