Saturday, June 27, 2015

Meanwhile back at the lake...

We will spend most days at the lake the next 4 weeks. During this time our other 3 kids' families will spend some time here. Andy, Lisa, Abby, and Lily have returned to Germany and are taking trips during Andy's leave. They will be stationed in Germany another year.
Today I worked for awhile out in the yard; it made me feel sad to remember how my garden and flowerbeds were the first 2 summers that we lived here. (Summer 2008-April 2010) Since then I have modified my expectations to allow me the time and energy to care for Ron. That's just how it is.
We have lost ground this month; our 3 week intervals between appointments only lasted 2 months before the setback with Ron's hospitalization. After 3 busy medical weeks, finally we will have an Ann Arbor-free week next week. Ron will have bloodwork done at our home-hospital Monday. He had abnormal numbers in the tests regarding kidney function, so now that he is eating and drinking better, hoping they have normalized.
I am anticipating 2 days to hang out at home this weekend. It looks like I will be putzing around inside since we have a cold rain! I am okay with that...probably a good thing that I have always been a homebody at heart!

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