Tuesday, February 9, 2016

And what brings you to U of M today?

That opening with a new doc always takes me by surprise. (And where should I start?) We liked Ron's new Pulmonary doctor. Before the appointment with her, Ron had a pulmonary function test. I was pleasantly surprised that there has been no progression in the structural damage to Ron's lungs. That is the best case scenario; the damage can't be reversed. That being said, there is no change in his medications, and we were told that his lung infections/pneumonia will be treated in the hospital whenever he has them. Pretty much inevitable periodically, so I am to continue being vigilant about giving him his medications and get him to the ER quickly when there is a crisis. (Or call 911) His lung function is about 1/3 of what would be normal. His oxygen level is low normal at rest, and he can quickly have shortness of breath with exertion. So he doesn't have far to drop to be in crisis. He is going to have a six minute hall walk test to determine how his oxygen level changes with mild exertion. We scheduled it in March when he has his next treatments and doc appointment.
Today Ron had an immunity infusion to give him a boost. We were at the hospital 6 hours; he has a room like a hospital room and bed. That infusion took longer than usual; his blood pressure was running high, so we had to wait until it came down to 160s/80s. I am always thankful that he has his central line, so he doesn't have to have an IV. This morning I had to drive in heavy snow part of the way, so even though we allowed extra time, we were 20 minutes late. We have never skipped an appointment and only been late one other time...hundreds of appointments over the last 6 years. There were numerous slide-offs in a 30 mile stretch that really slowed things down for awhile.
The two Amish women who help clean at the lake are coming tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing them...and having a very clean house!
Feeling peaceful at Gilead Lake.
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. And so goes your winter. Glad things seem sort of calm. : ) Enjoy each day together. We are "enjoying" the PA winter... gads. Snow then rain, then ice. Fun stuff. Take care and hugs to you both. Ginny

  2. Southern Michigan has had a mild winter. It has pretty much been uneventful weather-wise. We have not been snowed in this year although we have had small snowfalls…no ice.
    I am in the process of going through the house again and am more easily able to get rid of things we no longer use or need. The worst are the photo albums and photographs. Ron and I always enjoyed taking pictures, making prints, and he was great about putting pics in albums. I lose a lot of time when I stop to look at pictures and reminisce.
    Ginny, thanks for keeping in touch good friend!
    Love, Ron & Jan
