Sunday, February 7, 2016

Super Bowl Sunday

We have traveled to our Michigan home. Weather permitting, we will remain here for a few weeks. If Winter decides to arrive, we will head back to Bowling Green. Both of us are looking forward to watching the Super Bowl with my sister and brother-in-law, Anne and George.
We are halfway through a series of appointments for Ron at Ann Arbor. Last week he had his two extracorporeal phtopheresis treatments. ECP. He is "graduating" to 6 weeks between treatments--from 4 weeks, so the next ECP is mid-March. This upcoming week Ron will see a new pulmonary specialist at U of M Hospital. He will also have full pulmonary testing. Seeing a new doctor is quite a process. I feel like it would take a book to explain what all Ron has experienced medically since 2010. It is a real practice in summarizing! Ron's lungs are his biggest problem. He takes singulair, 3 antibiotics, an antifungal, an antiviral, and 3 different inhalers to help him avoid lung infection. The other component of his medical immune system is an immunity infusion every 5-6 weeks. He will have an IVIG Tuesday. This infusion takes about 4 hours, and the antibodies that he receives have been donated from over 1000 donors. Team Hover is immense!!
I have emailed Ron's donor who is from Sweden, and also I sent pictures. I don't know if he speaks English! If he replies, I will write a special blog entry.
Love, Ron & Jan

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