Thursday, July 21, 2016

Night Owl

Weird time to blog but I am wide awake! Up early this morning (July 20) because it was an Ann Arbor day, and I had bandages to change and central line care to do before leaving for bloodwork and a visit with a cardiologist for Ron. The day went very smoothly, and Ron has been taken off his heart medication. Often when we see a new doc, there are a lot of blanks to fill in by answering loads of questions, but she had previewed everything and was ready to get right to the cardiac issues. She didn't call his heart issue a heart attack...a cardiac event caused by pneumonia in both lungs and shortness of breath. His pulse was 52 And blood pressure lower than his normal when we checked in, so I am anxious to see how things moderate witout a med that slows everything down. It would be wonderful if he requires less supplemental oxygen. He has been lethargic while on this medication.
He has had two injuries due to the oxygen equipment, so we are visiting the wound clinic again. I hope I don't get investigated! I thought it was ridiculous how much wound dressing supplies were sent to us for previous wound care, but now I get it. Anyone who has been on prednisone for long term knows how fragile it makes your skin. Ron has rather extensive skin tears on one arm from a fall due to oxygen tubing, and then a few days later I tipped an oxygen tank over, and it hit his leg.
Tonight we had a homeowners association meeting for our villas, so I wanted to attend that...then crashed on the couch afterwards, so that is why I am wide awake now. Wound clinic appointment in about 6 hours, so I need to get back to sleep!

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