Friday, July 8, 2016

Packing Again

Getting ready today to make the trip back to BG. There is always quite a bit to do, so I don't hate myself for a mess when we return! We have had a very busy time here at Gilead Lake. It was a 4th of July that I will always remember! I will add a couple pictures. Family time is special, and so this holiday was beyond special with all four of the kids and families home. My sister and brother in law hosted a get together on July 2nd, so all of the Troxell cousins from my side of the family were together for a beautiful lake day. Ron handled all of this "commotion" very well. He just sleeps when he needs to and retreats if too much is going on for him. His oxygen requirement is unchanged.
It was fun seeing tents in the yard and the grandkids swimming in the deep water. Our own fireworks, compliments of Andrew, were amazing. He had waited 3 years to provide a show for us. He was the family hero to Matt's kids as they assisted him with lighting everything. I will admit that I was tired when everyone left and needed more than a couple naps to recover!
Good times.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad all the kids & grandkids got to spend some time with you and Ron. Those visits give your spirit a lift and memories to last a long time. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob
