Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Not making this stuff up..

I really do need to plan an "all about Jan day". I am not asking that much; just wanted to go to the doctor to see what to do about my knee injury. So we are slammed with yet another snowstorm, and I had to cancel Rick coming to stay with Ron and the appointment. All schools are closed, and the storm will persist for a couple more hours...then -3 degrees tonight. Unbelievable! I rescheduled as soon as possible - March 31- but the doc called me, and she will see me Monday. More rest, elevation, icing. I do not have much discomfort.
I drove into Coldwater yesterday to pick up a copy of the MRI because I saw (of course, because I am a weather freak) that a winter storm was predicted. I do have two meniscus tears and water on my knee if I interpreted the results correctly. I do NOT have torn ligaments or tendons, so that was great news! That is it in a nutshell.
Ron's IVIG infusion went smoothly on Monday; it took 5 hours, and his immunity should be bumped up well. The pattern has been that he needs this infusion every two months. Both of us enjoyed visiting with Kirk, a family friend, who drove for us on Monday.
Love to all,


  1. I know you'll be really glad when this winter is over! I know I will & we just got rain, sleet & strong winds last night.
    Glad to hear you can get in to see your doc sooner. Love & hugs Ann & Bob

  2. This weather really does suck! Glad your appointment is bumped up----must be a good sign----since Monday is St. Patrick's Day. Hang in there....Chip
