Thursday, March 27, 2014

This was Ann Arbor Week

It feels like things are under control again. That means that we have a plan for April. We have just spent two nights in Ann Arbor, and I get around easily with my knee brace. I have no pain in my knee, the brace keeps it stable, but it can't heal until after arthroscopic surgery. My sister Anne is going with me to the surgeon this week. I want to make sure that we have a solid plan in place at the end of April when I have the surgery. That includes plans for Ron's care. Griffiths are with us a lot so understand what that means. We only live 10 minutes apart. I am planning to bring on board his home nursing service, so they can take care of some of the nursing things I do: dressing changes, flushes, monitor glucose, injections. I organize his medications, so that is just a matter of giving them to him to take. Ron's brother Rick and Tammy will help us too. My brother Gary and Vicki will take me for the surgery and help afterwards too.
We will see the head BMT doc in two weeks, so I will hear his perspective on things. Putting all that information together I am anticipating the best plan is to stay in our home with help. I can't imagine planning doing anything different. Everything we need is here. Other than the 3 steps up to the area of the house where our bedroom, both bathrooms, and the laundry room is, everything is very accessible. As long as a plan is in place, I feel in control.
Ron saw his eye doctor and had two ECP treatments this week. They decreased the medrol infusion dose which he has every two weeks, from 80 to 60. I can tell that he is way less hyper. Before he was almost manic for two days, especially wanting to shop..and then he would crash and sleep two days.
Ron's vision for reading is slightly worse, but he doesn't need new glasses yet. Because his eye glands do not function well, in addition to steroid eye drops, Refresh Plus eyedrops, we are now also using eyelid wipes. If the dryness persists even as humidity in the house improves, the next step will be a serum eyedrop. It is made with his own blood as an ingredient. We would get a 4-6 month supply made at a time, keeping it frozen until use...must come in individual vials like we use now. More Star Wars.
We are still enjoying basketball. GO BIG TEN! ---especially Michigan State.


  1. Jan,
    Although I am very poor at correspondence, I think of both of you frequently. You are a brave and strong woman and I marvel at what you do. We don't ask what is better and what is worse when we take those vows, we just ask to be able to do it. John and I send our love and prayers to both you and Ron.

    Love, Geanie

  2. Thanks John and Geanie. I know there are many out there who keep in the loop through the blog. Believe me; I understand. Other than Christmas messages, I have never been good with keeping contact. That was a strength of Ron's. I think of you, too.
